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Sering Merasa Tidak Nyaman Saat Berbicara ? Ini Faktornya!
Jika kamu sering merasa takut ataupun tidak nyaman saat harus berbicara di depan umum, jangan khawatir. Kamu gak sendiri ! Karena 75%...
Zero to Confident in 7 Days: Public Speaking (2/7)
In the previous post, we discussed about getting our commitment right from the very first day. If you have found your innermost...
Zero to Confident in 7 Days: Public Speaking (1/7)
How can I become confident in Public Speaking? Are there any shortcuts to become confident? What if I tell you that there are strategies...
3 Tips in Public Speaking (English)
Speaking in public, is one thing most people are afraid of. There are actually something you can prepare before. What are they?
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